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SourceForge Installation Guide - Chapitre 2
Web services Configuration

2.1 Required software

In order to run all the web services, you will need the following software :

We assume that you've setup /root/.my.cnf to simplify our work :) (see the MySQL documentation for more details).

FYI, I run Apache 1.3.9, PHP4 4.0.2, mod_ssl 2.4.10 on a Debian GNU/Linux.

2.2 Configuring Apache

2.2.1 Access configuration

These modifications should be applied on your httpd.conf. Add a directory directive for SourceForge (all those directives are in misc/apache.conf)

			<Directory SF_ROOT/www>
			Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
			AllowOverride All
			order allow,deny
			allow from all
			php_admin_value include_path "SF_ROOT/www/include:."

For security reasons, we prevent people to read the htaccess files

			<Files .htaccess>
			order allow,deny
			deny from all

2.2.2 Host configuration

Note that depending of your distribution you might have to change the paths. If you cut and paste the following, verify that the DocumentRoot is NOT used anywhere in the Apache configuration files. For Debian 2.2, you must comment out the DocumentRoot Directive in /etc/apache/srm.conf

		<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
			Listen 80
			Listen 443

		<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
		AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
		AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl

		<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
		SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin
		SSLSessionCache         dbm:/var/run/ssl_scache
		SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
		SSLMutex  file:/var/run/ssl_mutex
		SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
		SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
		# this directive is very important
		DocumentRoot SF_ROOT/www
		DirectoryIndex index.php index.html	

		<VirtualHost DOMAIN_NAME>
		ServerAdmin your_email_address
		DocumentRoot SF_ROOT/www

		<VirtualHost cvs.DOMAIN_NAME>
		DocumentRoot SF_ROOT/cvs
		AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
		# this may vary with your distribution
		ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

		# this is only interesting if you want Mailing Lists support
		<VirtualHost lists.DOMAIN_NAME>
		AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
		#this may vary with your Linux distribution
		ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/ 		

		<VirtualHost DOMAIN_NAME:443>
		DocumentRoot SF_ROOT/www

		<IfModule mod_ssl.c>

		SSLEngine on
		SSLCertificateFile    /etc/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt
		SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key
		<Files ~ "\.(cgi|shtml)$">
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
		<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
		SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
		SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown


2.3 MySQL Configuration

2.3.1 Create the database

As root, run in a shell

		mysql -e "create database sourceforge"

2.3.2 Access Configuration

Pick a random password for the sourceforge user. The makepasswd tool is useful for that.

Run mysql on the mysql database.

		# mysql mysql

      on sourceforge.* 
      to sourceforge@localhost 
      identified by 'password';
		mysql> Flush Privileges;
		mysql> quit

2.3.3 Fill the database

Run in a shell :

		# cd SF_ROOT
		# guide/fill_db.sh

2.4 Configure Sourceforge

2.4.1 Change the config file location

We need to change the location of local.inc from /etc/local.inc to SF_ROOT/etc/local.inc. In a shell run

		# cd SF_ROOT
		# guide/chlocal.pl SF_ROOT
All original files are saved with the .bak extension.

2.4.2 Changing the config file

Edit SF_ROOT/etc/local.inc:

"system_name" stands for the string returned by hostname -f. You will need to create a group which will moderate the news for the front page after the installation. You will have to set $sys_news_groupid to the number of this group.

2.5 Create the sourceforge admin user

2.5.1 Create the user

Note: at this point, a basic mail server must be setup on your system.

Point a browser to http://the_server_name/. Follow the link "New User via SSL", fill in the form (login could be 'admin'), validate. Wait for the confirmation email. Use the URL in it. Re-type login and password. You should be logged in.

2.5.2 Give him super-admin-root privileges

	# mysql sourceforge
	mysql> select user_id from user where user_name='admin';
	[Should return 101 - Replace 'admin' by your login]
	mysql> insert into user_group (user_id, group_id, admin_flags) 
						values (101, 1, 'A');
	[Replace 101 by last result if need be]
You should also modify his unix uid because on most distributions the first 100 accounts are already taken, so I suggest you update it to 1001.
	mysql> update user set unix_uid=1001 where user_id = 101;

2.6 Fileforge

This is a small utility which is called by the Apache server to move files from the incoming ftp directory to the project space.

Go to SF_ROOT/utils. In fileforge.c, modify at line 48 :

  char * src_dir   = "SF_ROOT/ftp/incoming/";
  char * dest_dir  = "SF_ROOT/download/";
The trailing slashes are mandatory. Compile it with gcc -O2 -o fileforge fileforge.c. Then copy fileforge to /usr/local/bin and run:
	# cd /usr/local/bin
	# chown root:(the group under which your Apache server runs) fileforge
	# chmod 4750 fileforge

2.7 Improvements

2.7.1 Misc.

An example of how to add an administration menu to your SF page is given in the Online forum. Consult the following link:


We suggest that you comment the line 45 in SF_ROOT/www/new/index.php. (you just have to add a // at the beginning of this line).

If you don't want that everybody sees the first survey, we suggest that you modify the where condition of line 116 in SF_ROOT/www/include/vote_function.php into

	survey_id='$survey_id' and group_id=1

I advise you to create a cronjob that remove all files in cache every hour like

	0 * * * * rm -f SF_ROOT/sfcache/*

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SourceForge Installation Guide
$Id: SF_install_guide.sgml,v 1.24 2001/05/31 12:46:42 guillaum Exp $
Guillaume Morin guillaume.morin@alcove.fr